Not only am I person who is involved with everyday media, but also a resident and citizen of Worcester, Massachusetts. I am just as concerned as everyone else is about today's economy. I care about where my hard paying money in taxes go to the government on the local, state and federal levels.
I have a fondness for police radio scanning, especially in the second biggest city in New England. I have found too often that the local newspaper, the Worcester Telegram and Gazette, pick and choose the stories they wish to publish for Worcester and surrounding towns and cities. I was shocked in how much this newspaper leaves out when it comes to police activity in Worcester, Massachusetts. The calls that have come over the police scanner are intense, shocking and surprising; but yet many of these calls are calls that the citizens of Worcester do not know about.
The blog is to give the readers a general idea of what police activity takes place in the city. You will read about what happens in the police world. I will however, leave out identifying details as most of these calls are not considered official until a police report is filed. There is much confusion and misunderstanding in the nature of many of these police calls when a call is first received and then responded to by the Worcester Police Department. It takes time to sort out a police call and then an official police report is filed.
I try to follow the Police scanner daily, but don't always have the time. For those times I do police scanning, I will blog about the calls that the police are dispatched to, but will leave out identifying information that identifies victims, the accused and the police officers who respond to these calls.
Hope you enjoy the reading...